The Replacement Wife
by Tiffany L. Warren


The Replacement Wife is about love in all the right places.  This is a convincing novel in modern day Buck head, Georgia.  Attached to this story we have rachetness on all levels and all degrees of society.   This book leaves to question are fairytales real in 2014?

In this page-turning new novel from Essence® bestselling author Tiffany L. Warren, Atlanta's most eligible widower isn't looking to remarry--but for one woman, that's a mere detail.

Five years after his beloved wife's death, wealthy Quentin Chambers still hasn't returned to the church or his music ministry. Even his home is now devoid of music, and without his attention, Quentin's five children are getting out of control--until his mother steps in and hires him a live-in nanny. Montana is pretty, compassionate, church-going, and even has a beautiful singing voice. The children take to her right away, and soon enough Quentin finds his heart opening to faith--and love--once more. But not everyone loves Montana. . .

A "friend" of Quentin's first wife, Chloe has been scheming to become the next Mrs. Chambers since the funeral. Chloe is convinced she's just one seduction away from a marriage proposal. Now she'll do whatever it takes to get rid of Montana--including blackmail, theft--and digging up a troublemaking man from Montana's past. But Chloe forgets she's got secrets of her own, and the tables may turn with a twist she never sees coming. . .

Excerpt The Replacement Wife

Chapter 1

Five years later . . .

Chloe walked into the packed nail salon for her weekly pedi- cure with her best friend, Lichelle. The Nail Spot was always crowded and always cost just a little bit extra. Maybe it was because it was owned by an ex-rapper turned entrepreneur. Or maybe it was because gossip was on the menu, just like the paraffin wax and the acrylic tips.  Lichelle waved Chloe to the back of the salon—the VIP area. She’d saved Chloe a spot, which was darn near impossible to do, but Lichelle, the wife of a wealthy real estate broker, was a regular. And a good tipper.

Chloe slid into the luxurious chair and leaned back, careful not to muss her freshly perfected hairdo. Her short tresses were expertly sculpted, and they framed her face perfectly, softening the potentially strong features created by her excessive workouts.

“Girl, I thought I was gonna have to fight that queen over there. He kept eyeballing your chair like he was about to snatch it,” Lichelle said, as she blew Chloe a kiss.

“I am not thinking about him.” Chloe cut her eyes at the man, who gave her much attitude. She didn’t have time to exchange words with him, nor did she want to ruin her mood. She was going to Lichelle’s yacht party later with Quentin, and it was going to be a blast. But first she was about to get her feet rubbed and mashed by her favorite nail tech, Trey. He was fine and buff, and his foot massages took her to the mountaintop.

Trey slid over in front of Chloe on his little stool. “Hey, ma. How’s your day going?”

Chloe grinned as Trey cracked his knuckles and took her foot into his hand in a miniature caress. “It’s going great now, babe. Do your magic!”

“I am telling Quentin,” Lichelle said.

Chloe lifted Lichelle’s left hand and touched the enormous rock on her ring finger. “You’re the only one married. I am still very unmarried.”

“But not unattached. You’ve been with Quentin for an eternity.”

Chloe winced at the word. It had been a long time. Five years, to be exact. Quentin didn’t seem the least bit interested in marriage. She didn’t think he loved her, but he enjoyed her company enough to foot the bill for her ever y need. He even gave her a small shopping allowance.  Admittedly, she wanted more. Not necessarily marriage, but at least a commitment. A bit of assurance that the fun times were more than temporary.

“Five years is not an eternity. Especially since we got together right after he buried his wife.”

“How long are you going to wait for him to marry you?” Trey asked.

“I’m not waiting for him to marr y me. I’m enjoying what we have. Savoring the moments.”

Lichelle sucked her teeth and shook her head. “What if he wakes up tomorrow and decides he’s ready to trade you in?”

“You do have quite a few miles on you, and you are definitely fine—I wouldn’t kick you out of bed. But you’re not a twentysome- thing anymore,” Trey said.

“Is this attack Chloe day? I’m not feeling this.”

Trey laughed. “Sorry, ma. Let me squeeze that stress away.”

Chloe closed her eyes and moaned. It was as if Trey had some secret road map that led straight from the middle of her foot to her unmentionables.

“Seriously, though,” Lichelle said, invading Chloe’s ecstasy, “have you thought about a backup plan?”

“What do you mean?”

“You need to make sure you’re financially okay in case Quentin decides you are not his final resting place.”

“You could always have Quentin’s baby,” Trey said.

“Ugh. No! Low-rent women have babies for a paycheck. I do not do that.”

Trey shrugged. “Sorry. It was just a thought.”

“If you’re not going to give Quentin a love child, then you really need to think about your future. Why don’t you ask Quentin to help you start a business?”

Chloe considered this. The problem was, she had no idea what kind of business she’d want to start. She didn’t want to work that hard. She wanted to continue to give Quentin what he needed, and she wanted him to continue giving her what she needed.

“Look, Quentin cares about me. He’s not going to leave me high and dr y. And maybe one day he will ask me to marr y him. And maybe I’ll say yes.”

“Maybe you’ll say yes?” Lichelle asked.

“Yes, maybe. Not ever y girl needs a husband. I’m happy having a sugar daddy.”

“You a little old for a sugar daddy,” Trey said. Lichelle and Trey burst into laughter, and Chloe rolled her eyes at them both. She and Quentin were in a good place, and she had no intention of rocking the boat. And as long as she kept rocking Quentin’s world, she wouldn’t have to.

( Continued... )

© 2014 All rights reserved. Book excerpt reprinted by permission of the author, Tiffany L. Warren. Do not reproduce, copy or use without the author's written permission. Copyright infringement is a serious offense. This excerpt is used for promotional purposes only. Share a link to this page or the author's website if you really like this sneak peek.

The Replacement Wife by Tiffany L. Warren
Also available: Amazon, B&N, BAM, IndieBound,, Target and Walmart




Readin N Writin with Patricia
Book Buzz: The Replacement Wife

Author Tiffany L. Warren is a storyteller.  Each story she tells gets better and better--the story lines more intricate, the characters more full-bodied and the enjoyment higher.  Her latest tale, The Replacement Wife, is a modern-day cross between The Sound of Music and Cinderella.

Montana Ellis has been down on her luck since accepting Christ into her life, but she continues to be upbeat and to sing God's praises.  Just when she shares her testimony with her fellow choir mates, God opens a door for her to become the nanny to a wealthy widower's children.

Quentin Chambers has been surviving, but not thriving since the death of his beloved wife and partner in music ministry five years ago.  Since his wife's death, there's been no singing, no music, in the Chambers household, and his five children are as grief-stricken as he.  He's been dating a woman, Chloe, purportedly a friend of his first wife, but her focus from day one has been Quentin's riches.  She's all but certain she'll be the next Mrs. Chambers and live the life of luxury she's always desired.

Until Montana arrives, with her sunny disposition, acts of kindness and singing, to turn Quentin's head and force Chloe to have to scheme to hold on to her man.

The Replacement Wife is part The Sound of Music because of the widower whose involved with a gold digger hated by his songbird children who doesn't realize what's missing in his life until the governess shows up.  It's part Cinderella because Montana hasn't lived on easy street and dreams of a prince coming to sweep her off her feet, although she'd be content with the right man--a godly man who cherished her--even if he were poor.

I love the way in which Warren weaves the threads of faith throughout her story as one aspect of her characters' complex lives.  Her characters, who attend church, believe in God and live their faith to varying degrees, are as real as they can be.

While Quentin struggles in his faith, he's sleeping with his girlfriend outside of marriage.  His teen children have been raised in the church, but are feeling the full effect of their own hormones and making decisions that could have long-term consequences.  Montana is saved and singing in the choir, but she's got a past she'd rather stay buried.  Chloe makes no bones about going to their prominent church solely for the social rewards. As the story progresses, each character must face his spiritual limitations and decide whether to increase or remain stagnant in his faith.

Throw in a mix of up and coming entrepreneurs and a few hood rats against the backdrop of old money and Atlanta's black elite, and Warren's The Replacement Wife offers an inspirational fairy tale any fan of romance will enjoy.

Peace & Blessings,
Patricia, Readin N Writin with Patricia
Source of Book Review  




Intimate Conversation with Tiffany L. Warren

Tiffany L. Warren is an author, playwright, songwriter, mother and wife. Her debut novel What a Sista Should Do, was released in June of 2005. In 2006, Tiffany and her husband, Brent, founded Warren Productions and released gospel musicals, What a Sista Should Do and The Replacement Wife. Tiffany is the visionary behind the Faith and Fiction Retreat. Tiffany resides in northern Texas with her husband, Brent, and their five children.

BPM: Introduce us to your book and the main characters. What makes each one special? Do you have any favorites?
The three main characters are Quentin and the two ladies vying for his affection - Chloe and Montana. Chloe is an Atlanta socialite. When I think of her, I think of Marlo from the Real Housewives of Atlanta. She is the kind of woman who knows how to land a rich man. And Quentin is the heir to a billion dollar estate from a his family's hair care product line. Montana is the polar opposite of Chloe! She's sweet, God-fearing and loves his kids. But don't think Montana is a boring little Bible thumper. She's got spice...and a past that comes back to haunt her a little. I love Montana because she gives everyone the benefit of the doubt up front. I'm alot like that. I trust people until they give me a reason to do otherwise.

BPM: Which character or topic in the book can you identify with the most? Why?
I have five children, so I understand the chaos of Quentin's world. I couldn't imagine my husband trying to handle our brood without me.

BPM: What drew you to tackle the topics in your book?
Well, I wanted to do a story about confronting grief for a long time. And this is really what this story is about - Quentin dealing with the grief of losing his first wife. People handle grief in so many different ways, and our faith is always challenged when things happen that we can't understand, so there was a lot of room for a reconciliation story.

BPM: Does your upbringing or life experiences inspire your writing?
My upbringing definitely inspired this book! It is definitely a nod to my childhood, because my grandmother made us watch The Sound of Music every year. While this story is a lot different from that movie, the central idea of a man erasing music from his home because of his grief is very similar. Trivia: I know all of the songs from The Sound of Music!

BPM: Can you outline some areas where your characters dealt with issues that are in current affairs?
Prior to her pursuit of Quentin, Chloe dated a rich elderly man who died. She wasn't able to get the ring, and his children made sure she got nothing. It reminded me of the Anna Nicole Smith saga.

BPM: How do you go about reaching new readers? What would you like for readers to take away from your writing?
I like to go to book signings and events because I am an avid reader as well as an author. This year I am going to Romance Slam Jam for the first time in New Orleans! I am looking forward to connecting with readers there. I want my readers primarily to get a great story. I hope they get the faith lessons too :)

BPM: What are your goals as a writer? Do you set out to educate?   
I consider myself to be a storyteller. My faith shines through in the writing, because that's who I am. I want to entertain and hopefully edify the reader as well.

BPM: How do you feel about ebooks? Have they helped your business to grow?
I love ebooks! I love the convenience of them. When the mood strikes me, I can just download a book without leaving my home. Also, as a writer, I have the opportunity to give my readers little nuggets in the form of ebook novellas. I think these drive readers back to my novels, especially readers who've never read my work before. They may feel more comfortable buying a cheaper ebook before progressing to my full length novels.

BPM: Share with us your latest news, awards or upcoming book releases. How may our readers follow you online?
I am nominated for the 2013 Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Award for Best Multicultural Fiction, so I'm excited about that! I also will be publishing the sequel to my very popular ebook Lies and Alibis later this spring. Readers can find me on Facebook, Twitter and on my website

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