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CBD Benefits and Uses: Breathroughs in Healing

CBD for Prostate Issues [Benefits, Studies, and Dosage]

Long before scientists learned how to manufacture synthetic medications, people relied on natural compounds that are derived from plants. And while the use of CBD oil for prostate issues is of course a very new treatment method, naturally-based compounds are being increasingly marketed as “dietary supplements” for use in multiple forms of alternative or complementary medicine.

While scientific studies that show the benefits of plant-based medicines are few and far between, certain compounds are really making a name for themselves. One of these is, of course, CBD.

CBD is a natural compound that is proving to be very effective in the treatment of several medical conditions, including prostate issues.

Prostate issues is a broad term and one that we will discuss in more detail below. It could be anything from an enlarged prostate to a bacterial infection or even prostate cancer.

In this article, we will be taking a closer look at how CBD could be used in the treatment of prostate issues.

The Use of CBD for Prostate, and an Overview of Potential Issues

The prostate is a gland that makes up part of the male reproductive system and wraps around the urethra close to the bladder. The gland is around the size of a walnut and grows bigger as you age. For such a small gland, the prostate appears to cause a lot of concern. All men have a risk of developing prostate issues, and that’s because all men have a prostate.
Common prostate issues in men include; acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis,

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), and chronic prostatitis (non-bacterial). Prostate cancer is common in men who are over the age of 50, but especially African American men or those who eat more fatty foods, and/or those who have a father or brother with prostate cancer.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) means that your prostate is enlarged but isn’t cancerous – it’s very common in older men.

Enlargement of the prostate gland can cause some of the following symptoms; dribbling urine, blood in the urine or semen, pain or burning during urination, frequent pain or stiffness in the hips, lower back, rectal or pelvic area or the upper thighs, frequent urination, or painful ejaculation.

Acute bacterial prostatitis normally starts suddenly because of a bacterial infection – it can cause chills, fever, or pain. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is an infection that occurs again and again – it’s a rare problem that can be hard to treat. Chronic prostatitis is also known as Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS), and it’s a common prostate issue.

To diagnose the cause of prostate issues, a doctor will do a rectal exam, look at patient history, and take bacterial cultures if they suspect infection, and they will rule out cancer. Initial tests and procedures that are done to diagnose prostate cancer may include; a rectal exam, ultrasound, or assessment of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. Prostate cancer is definitively diagnosed by means of a tissue biopsy.

CBD for Prostate: How and Why It Might be Able to Help

Prostatitis and cancer are just two of the prostate issues that CBD is believed to have the potential for treatment. Before we look at each of these individually, let’s look at how cannabinoids in general, like CBD, work in the body.
Just like other chemicals, cannabinoids need to bind to cells before they are able to influence the behavior of those cells.

The cell receptors that bind to cannabinoids fall into two categories; CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are concentrated in the brain and therefore responsible for the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana. CB2 receptors were first found in the cells of blood-forming organs and the immune system, but recent research has found them in many other tissues.

Like many tissues, normal prostate cells contain both CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, prostate cancer cells have an excess of these receptors, and this makes them an interesting target for research. This means that they have a greater accord for cannabinoids (like CBD) than normal cells. Laboratory studies done on cannabinoids have shown that when these cells are treated with CBD, three things happen:

Generally, the cells become less viable and more susceptible to apoptosis (programmed cell death)
Androgen receptor activity that happens on the cancer cell surfaces is decreased (prostate cancer seems to be fueled by androgens)
CBD and THC, for that matter, discourage the formation of tumor blood vessels which are needed by prostate cancer tumors to nourish themselves.

We can also look at how CBD helps in the treatment of prostatitis. The most usual type of prostatitis is nonbacterial. Typical treatments include muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory medications, learning to relax when urinating, taking hot baths, and drinking extra fluids.
Prostatitis is often a painful condition that can be very unbearable, having an effect on both your personal and professional life.

Many people turn to opioid painkillers to relieve their pain and keep it under control. However, opioids come with some negative side effects, one of the most common being a reduction in blood pressure which can be harmful to one’s health.

CBD is well-known for its pain-relieving effects, and it doesn’t affect the blood pressure. Furthermore, CBD is also praised for its anti-inflammatory effects. CBD is thought to reduce tissue inflammation because of the presence of the compound β-caryophyllene. It has shown great promise in clinical studies as an excellent anti-inflammatory drug that doesn’t carry the same risks that are associated with NSAIDs.

CBD is a natural and healthier alternative to prescription painkillers, and if nothing else, it can be very effective in dealing with the pain that is often experienced with prostate issues, like prostatitis.

Medical Findings: Effects of Cannabinoids and CBD for Prostate Issues

Research into CBD and prostate issues is very much limited at this point in time. However, a few studies have been done, and they point to some very interesting findings. One such study is one done by a team of researchers from the University of Alcalá in Spain in 2009 and published in the British Journal of Cancer.

The researchers studied three separate groups of human prostate cancer cells. They grew the cells in their lab, and then added two cannabinoids, one of which was a potent CB2 stimulator. A series of experiments found that cannabinoid-induced activation of these CB2 receptors slowed down the growth of all three kinds of human prostate cancer cells. Furthermore, cannabinoids that target CB2 receptors were able to kill prostate cancer cells by means of triggering apoptosis, which is a fundamental biological process that can be best explained as programmed cell death by suicide.

Another study was conducted by De Petrocellis et al. (2012). This study used both prostate cancer cells in lab containers, as well as prostate cancer tumor cells implanted in mice. Non-THC cannabinoids were tested for biochemical effects that they have on individual cells and also actual tumor behavior in live animals. The authors of the study suggested that “non-THC cannabinoids, and CBD specifically, retard proliferation and cause apoptosis of prostate cancer cells through a combination of cannabinoid receptor-independent, molecular, and cellular mechanisms.”

Potential Medical Benefits of Using CBD for Prostate Issues

Pelvic pain is a symptom associated with prostatitis, and it can make daily life very difficult. When it comes to treating pain, some cannabis strains are more effective than others. Inflammation is a natural immune response which helps the body to heal itself. However, it’s often the root cause of pain. CBD can treat pain and relief inflammation all across the body.
Cannabis strains with a high level of CBD help to reduce inflammation without getting you high. If you need to work, concentrate on tasks, or operate machinery, high CBD strains are your best option.

Aside from this, as we have discussed above, CBD has also shown some promise in the treatment of prostate cancer. While we cannot deem it as a cure, it could possibly help in the reduction of prostate cancer cells and tumors.

How to Take CBD for Prostate Issues

There are various ways to consume CBD. You might already know that you could smoke, vape, or eat CBD edibles. However, if none of these options appeal to you, topical application of CBD may be a great alternative for relieving pain. Types of topicals include balms, lotions, and oils that all absorb directly into the skin.
CBD creams work wonders for reducing inflammation and relaxing the muscles. You simply apply the cream to the area that you are experiencing pain in. You should apply a fairly thick layer of cream, and you can apply at least three times a day.

However, if you are using CBD for something other than pain relief – for example, the treatment of prostate cancer – it’s recommended that you should ingest CBD oil daily in the form of tinctures or capsules. The only difference between these two methods is the way in which you ingest – capsule vs. sublingual tinctures. For those who suffer from any kind of cancer, it’s suggested to start off with between 20-40 mg of CBD per day. You can increase by 10 mg each week until you experience the desired effects.

In addition to their anti-proliferative properties, ingestible CBD products offer sustained symptom relief for several hours. A lot of people even experience relief for the whole day. The only thing to keep in mind with ingestible CBD products is that they have a delayed onset time. It could take up to 90 minutes to get the full effects of tinctures or capsules.

Final Thoughts on CBD for Prostate Issues

While it hasn’t been definitively proven that CBD is able to treat prostate cancer, it certainly seems as though CBD has potential in the treatment of prostate related issues. Furthermore, studies thus far on the issue of prostate cancer and CBD have been promising. Whether it’s pain-relief, anti-inflammatory effects, or the potential to reduce prostate cancer cells that you are looking for, CBD could be the answer. All purchases are protected by a   No Questions Asked, Refund Policy 


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