The Road To Redemption
Overcoming Life's Detours Obstacles and Challenges

by Lucinda Cross


Every woman has gifts, talents, dreams and goals she desires to be accomplished in her lifetime and to be appreciated, encouraged and understood. This book is designed to uplift, empower, inspire and encourage women to be free, to speak their truth, to stand in their power,, to recognize their value and to discover their passions and run in hot pursuit toward it, against all odds. This book is the movement of excelling and unearthing the life women deserve and were born and destined for in spite of their past.

About the Author
Lucinda Cross
is an award-winning business leader and one of today’s most dynamic voices on the subject of personal development. She is the founder of several successful businesses, and counsels  budding entrepreneurs.  Mrs. Cross has defied the odds in life and in business. She has mastered the ability to turn adversities into advantages. She travels the world inspiring women to Be, Create and Collaborate. She is now the bestselling author of her newly released book, The Road to Redemption.

Purchase The Road To Redemption: Overcoming Life's Detours Obstacles and Challenges



Intimate Conversation with Lucinda Cross


Lucinda Cross-Otiti, known as the Chief Activator is THE VOICE of this generation. CEO of Activate Worldwide. and founder of Activate Your Life 501c3. Lucinda is a TEDx speaker, an accomplished best-selling author with 5 self-published books under her name. Recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award from former President Barack Obama. She is a highly sought after International Speaker and Lifestyle Business Coach, crisscrossing the country weekly delivering her high impact, anticipated words of wisdom, self-discovery, and strategy.
Lucinda’s story is compelling. It’s one of triumph and overcoming odds to regain her rightful place in life. It’s a story of using all of your life experiences to inspire thousands. Lucinda Cross helps women turn their stories into brandable, marketable and scalable business models.
Lucinda is the recipient of the 40 Under 40 Rising Stars of Westchester and Putnam County, her leadership advice has been featured on The Today Show, BET/Centric show Queen BOSS, Bravo TV Married to Medicine, Power 105.1, AriseTV, SModa- International Spain Magazine, The NY Post, Fox 5, News 12 NY, NY 1, The Daily News, The New York Times, Essence Magazine, Ebony Magazine, ABC Money Matters, Black Enterprise, Dr. OZ, The Bethenny Show, CNN iReport, Hot97, Radio 103.9 NY, Tom Joyner Morning Show, and more.  Visit her website today:

BPM: Introduce us to your book. What makes this one special?
The primary message from The Road to Redemption is that your past adversities are your future advantages. This book guides the reader through a series of inspirational self reflections geared toward improving your communication, inner image, relationships, and entrepreneurial/career endeavors.

Every woman deserves to achieve her own striking change in appearance, character, or circumstances that brings her the culmination of dreams and ambitions (whether they are secret or shared with others). What a powerful opportunity we have to exemplify the beauty, strength, grace, fortitude, and exciting new adventures that await every woman who says, Yes, I CAN move onward and upward regardless of whatever has transpired in my life!

Women get excited to hear that mother’s prayers are answered, that trials do pass, that a painful past can be left behind, and a transition and transformation can take place. Strength and beauty come as the roots of faith are nurtured, and become food for our souls and minds.


BPM: Which topic in the book can you identify with the most? Why?
The topic of feasting on faith and fasting on fear in the book, helped me to identify with the self destructive behaviors and self sabotage I was committing in my own life that hindered me from succeeding and rising to the top and peak of my career, my life and my journey.


BPM: What inspired you to write this book? Does your faith or education inspire your writing?
I was inspired to write this book, because of my own personal journey of redemption. I went from being a college student to a convict in the same semester, from working in corporate America to being a single mother and a corporate mom drop out to follow my entrepreneurial journey. I went from leaving corporate America to being a mompreneur, award winning speaking and best selling author. My children and my life experiences inspired me to write this book, the transition and transformation and the need to spread a word of HOPE to women across the globe inspired me.


BPM: Who do you want to reach with your book and the message enclosed?
I believe that every woman has gifts, talents, dreams, and goals that she desires to be accomplished in her lifetime and to be appreciated, encouraged and understood. My mission was to write a book which will greatly enhance our lives; enable us to have fruitful, satisfying lives; increase in our personal and professional success; and to connect us to other women where we can be each other’s cheerleader through this transitional life process.

BPM: Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
I want them to be a leader of leaders and teacher of teachers. To stand tall and speak their truth and stand in their power by writing their own book, telling their own story and creating a sustainable leadership position in the community in which they live, work and serve.


BPM: What are your goals as a writer? Do you set out to educate?
My intention is to uplift, empower, inspire, and encourage each reader to be free to transform into all that they are intended to be.


BPM:  Finish this sentence-“My writing offers the following legacy to future readers...”  
“My writing offers the following legacy to future readers... to tell their story and be free to become the best version of themselves by taking a stand for who they are and what they believe in via writing and speaking.”


BPM: Share with us your latest news. How may our readers follow you online?
I have recently become an Amazon best seller in print and on Kindle, my book has been featured on The Tom Joyner Morning Show with Jacque Reid and requested in many of the women's transitional housing facilities. I am currently planning a "I Love Life" book tour for The Road to Redemption across 48 states.

The Road To Redemption: Overcoming Life's Detours Obstacles and Challenges by Lucinda Cross
Every woman has gifts, talents, dreams and goals she desires to be accomplished in her lifetime and to be appreciated, encouraged and understood. This book is designed to uplift, empower, inspire and encourage women to be free, to speak their truth, to stand in their power,, to recognize their value and to discover their passions and run in hot pursuit toward it, against all odds. This book is the movement of excelling and unearthing the life women deserve and were born and destined for in spite of their past.


Purchase The Road To Redemption: Overcoming Life's Detours Obstacles and Challenges  by Lucinda Cross
Book is available both on Nook and Kindle.  Buy Now: 





3 Ways to Tackle Abusive Business Relationships
by Lucinda Cross




What is an abusive business relationship and how to get out of one?  An abusive business relationship is one that just stresses you out plain and simple.  It can be and will be a huge disadvantage to the growth of your business the longer you allow the abusive relationship to linger on.


Most abusive business relationships include:

*  being inconsiderate towards your needs
*  lack of trust
*  often attacking your value and worth
*  feeling as if you are walking on egg shells
*  lack of communication
*  controlling and a “know it all” attitude
*  being taken advantage of
*  domination and subjugation
To name a few…

If you feel or know that you are in an abusive business relationship, please don’t ignore the signs of abuse. Ignoring the abuse allows the issues to grow bigger. Start to curtail the interaction with the abusive person so that the abuse can stop or you can walk away a freely.


Here are three ways to tackle an abusive business relationship.

1. Understand that you cannot change the other person.  In order for things to change you have to either call in reinforcement such as a coach, mediator, or mutual party to hear both sides of the story.

2. Set boundaries.  Decide whether you are going to stick it out, or move on. Your abuser maybe dealing with some sort of trust issues that could have started in childhood, and may have very little to do with you personally.  In most cases both parties are suppressing some heavy emotions that are hindering the business from growing productively.  Think about your working agreement… Was it clear? Was it focused? Was it a win-win?  Were you clear on results and expectations?

3. Make better choices.  Most of the time, alarms and sirens go off before we begin to engage in an unproductive or toxic business relationship. We see the signs, we hear the messages, but we disregard them in the hopes that our intuition and gut feelings are wrong. Learn to pay attention to your instincts from now on. Make choices that are life affirming versus those decisions that will drain you physically, mentally and emotionally.  Stay clear from chaos and drama.

Keep these three supportive principles in mind the next time you embark on a new business relationship.  Just like any relationship it takes time to get to know one another.  That is why dating is so important.  It helps you to see the sirens, smoke signals and warning signs before you say YES.

A great book to read is called Click:  Ten Truths for Building Extraordinary Relationships by George C. Fraser


Activate!  Dynamic Transitions and Powerful Transformations
Lucinda Cross:





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